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3 Reasons to Have Air Conditioning Installed This Spring

Bryant_Exterior_Unit-Dealer-181_Resized ac technician with bryant furnace

With spring fast approaching, it's time to consider optimizing your home for the upcoming warm weather. One sure way to make indoor living more comfortable year-round is to invest in air conditioning. With increasing temperatures, there are several reasons why having an air conditioner installed is beneficial, from improved health and comfort levels inside your home to better energy efficiency ratings when using modern systems. Learn more about AC installation and discover three reasons for installing your air conditioning this spring.

What to Know About AC Installation

Adding an air conditioner to your home comes with several benefits—and not just during the warmer months. If you're wondering how much AC your home really needs, consider the following questions:

  • What type of AC system is suitable for my home?
  • How powerful should the unit be, and what size do I need?
  • Are there any additional features or accessories I should consider?

A Bob's Heating sales representative can help you find answers to these questions when you're looking to decide on the best air conditioning system for your home.

Once you commit to adding an air conditioner or heat pump to your home, consider the following reasons to have the installation completed before summer arrives.

Beat the Rush

Planning to install an air conditioner in your home should be done well before the summer heat arrives. Many of the best AC contractors are booked during summer when demand is highest, so scheduling an installation in spring provides you with plenty of extra time and better access to inventory options.

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5 Mind-Blowing Hot Water Heater Facts Your Grandma Thinks You Should Know


Hot Water Heater Facts to Keep You Comfortable All Year Round 

If you are a homeowner, you are more than likely a proud owner of a hot water heater— congratulations! Here are some pretty great facts about hot water heaters that even your grandma thinks you should know! Read on to discover five home water heater facts you need to know! Contact the expert technicians at Bob's Heating for water heater repair or maintenance.

Prepping Your Home for the Upcoming Winter Season



As the winter season approaches faster than many of us had hoped for, it becomes more critical to prepare your home and keep your mind at ease when the weather starts to turn. Many may not realize how much winter can impact your home, so taking the proper precautions will help to get you and your home ready for the winter season. It is very important to take care of your home's exterior and interior when preparing for the chilly weather. Who wants to worry about having to take on any home projects when it’s cold out? Our guess is, no one!

This article will walk you through what you should have in your home for winter and what to mark off of your checklist before the first snowfall.

Invest in a Smart Thermostat

After returning home from a long day at work on a cold winter afternoon, the last thing you want is to walk into a frigid house. If you’re wondering how you would be able to avoid that, we have the answer for you – smart thermostats! A smart thermostat can be controlled from your smartphone, so you’re able to turn your heat on and off with the tap of a finger. This makes it quick and easy to manage your home’s temperature while the system itself helps to save you money and energy.

If you don’t already have a smart thermostat and are considering one, making the choice sooner rather than later will add to a comfortable home and reduced utility bills. Installing this type of thermostat is something that should be done before winter hits in case any incidents occur, such as faulty wires or power outages. If you’re unfamiliar with thermostats and their installation, Bob’s Heating & Air Conditioning can help you install a smart thermostat for your home.

Check your Home’s Insulation

Before winter hits, creating a checklist of what needs to be done will also help you to get your home ready. One of the items on the checklist should be to check your home’s insulation during the summer or fall to allow you to find and resolve any problems that arise. Due to the temperature drop outside as winter progresses, ensuring your home is properly insulated will help keep your home warm. Your windows, siding, attic, and basement should all be insulated to avoid any cold air from entering your home.

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HVAC Spring Cleaning in 3 Easy Steps


Spring welcomes the birth of new beginnings everywhere. It is the perfect season to turn over a new leaf, so to speak. It also happens to be the best time to tackle HVAC spring cleaning. Get your home prepped and ready for the warm seasons ahead by following these three easy steps!

How to Clean an HVAC Filter


Your HVAC unit needs a little TLC to work at peak performance. One of the most important things you can do for your system is to schedule preventive maintenance in the spring and fall, ahead of seasons where you’ll depend on your central air system for round-the-clock comfort.

Between maintenance visits, however, you need to be diligent about changing or cleaning the filter. Here’s how:

Five Tips for Properly Disposing of an Old Air Filter


Your home air filter is perhaps one of the most important parts of your HVAC system. So many of the issues that could cause your system to slow down or stop working entirely can be attributed, at least partially, to an old or clogged up air filter, so regularly changing your filter is an important part of home maintenance. However, once you change your air filter, your old furnace air filter may release dirt and debris back into the air in your home, which could lessen your indoor air quality.

This brings up a question that many people want to know the answer to: how should you properly dispose of an old air filter? Air filters have the benefit of being disposable in your regular trash, but what can you do to prevent all of the airborne debris trapped in the filter from escaping again as soon as you move it? Here are a few disposal tips you can follow.

Why You Should Choose Central A/C Over Window Units


As summer progresses and the weather gets hotter, most people will do anything to keep their homes cool. Air conditioners are an essential way to do this. Some people prefer small window A/C units while others like a central air conditioning system. At Bob’s Heating & Air Conditioning, we recommend central A/C units over window systems. In this blog, we will explain why a central A/C unit over a window system is the right choice for you.

4 Tips to Keep Your AC Running This Summer


Your home is more than just four walls; it equates to security and comfort for you and your family. When the outdoor temperatures soar, you’ll want to escape to a cool dwelling space. However, like all things mechanical, your air conditioning system is prone to malfunction without routine maintenance.

If your air conditioner has stopped working properly, try these DIY tips to troubleshoot potential issues.

Can Your Air Conditioner Handle the Heat?


Hot weather can be unbearable without a reliable air conditioning system. Before temperatures rise, consider whether or not you can get another season out of your aging HVAC unit.

Air Conditioning Mistakes That Are Costing You Money


In the hottest parts of the summer, an inefficient HVAC system can run for much of the day. Older units tend to be less efficient than newer ones, but there are ways you can improve the performance of your air conditioning system.

Don’t Ignore These Furnace Noises


If you have an older furnace, strange banging, clanking, and whistling sounds are no strangers to your home. However, if your furnace is relatively new, your unit should be almost completely silent while it operates. Either way, it is not a good sign when your heating unit produces strange sounds. If you hear the following noises, you should have your furnace inspected by a professional HVAC technician.

Why Customers Fall in Love with our Honeywell Home Backup Generators


Fall has arrived! As we admire colorful foliage, dust off our cozy sweaters, and sip our pumpkin spice lattes, we reflect and plan for autumn. Is your home prepared for pesky power outages due to inevitable fall and winter storms? We may not be able to prevent a power outage from occurring, but we can ensure your home’s power can be restored! Bob’s Heating & Air Conditioning carries Honeywell Home Backup Generators that will automatically restore power to your home within seconds! Did we mention they’re on sale until 10/31/18? Read on to learn why you should invest in this life (and power) saver before our Pre-Season Generator Sale ends!

5 Main Culprits of High Energy Bills During the Fall & Winter


Is Your Family About to Experience High Energy Bills?

Now that outside temperatures are cooling down, it is time to flip on the furnace! Before groaning over higher bills, understand the culprits. They are not as common as you think, and some nearly go undetected! Read on to learn five common culprits of high energy bills during the fall and winter months.

Safety & Preparedness in Inclement Weather


Bob’s Heating & Air Conditioning wants to ensure your family is safe in the case the power goes out in your neighborhood due to inclement weather. We have put together some safety and preparedness tips to help get you through till the lights come back on!

Excellent HVAC Technician Attributes We Look For In New Hires


Let us tell you, there is more to the job than being certified. While certification is mandatory at Bob’s Heating, an excellent HVAC technician typically has all of the following qualities and characteristics that we look for when bringing on someone new.

Benefits of Air Conditioner Ownership in the Pacific Northwest


A home should be a safe haven where one can rely on finding peace, comfort, and relaxation. It’s where we get our best sleep and feel our safest. Owning an air conditioner can help provide your family with the comfort and security one should expect each time they return home. The benefits of air conditioner ownership are near endless and help your safe haven remain comfortable year-round.

Bob's Heating & Air Conditioning: Ducts & Duct Services


Bob’s Heating & Air Conditioning aims to provide your home with services that increase the air quality in your home to keep you and your family comfortable. We offer a variety of ducts services that will improve and protect your air quality and keep you healthy.

How to Survive Allergy Season in the Pacific Northwest


Do you suffer from puffy, watery eyes? Is your throat constantly itchy? Do you disrupt your workflow with nonstop sneezing? How in the world do you survive this terrible allergy season in the Pacific Northwest? Of course, allergy medications are usually the answer, but what about organic options? Read on to learn a few natural remedies to help you survive this harsh allergy season.

3 Reasons to be Thankful for your HVAC System this Holiday Season


The leaves have fallen; temperatures have dropped; now all that is missing is a little snow!—kidding. Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, and the word “thankful” is on everyone’s mind. What are you thankful for? Besides the obvious, there are three great reasons why you should be thankful for your HVAC system. Read further to find out all you have to be thankful for when it comes to your home comfort needs.

HVAC Tips & Helpful Reminders for the Holidays


It is already that time of year! Holiday parties are in full swing and the boozy eggnog is still a flowin’. Do you plan on hosting a holiday bash of your own this year? Let us provide you with some quick, fool-proof HVAC tips to help you survive this year’s holiday festivities!


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