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3 Things to Know Before Choosing and Installing a Smart Thermostat

smart thermostat, Bob's Heating

Who doesn't love home devices that make life comfortable, convenient, and conscientious? Smart thermostats provide all three by maintaining the ideal temperature for your home, offering access from anywhere, and reducing your carbon footprint. As you begin your search for the perfect smart thermostat, it’s important to arm yourself with the right information. There are a few lesser-known things you should keep in mind before upgrading, so read on to learn more.

Choose Your Upgrade Timing Wisely

Everyone loves saving energy, and it makes sense to swap to an energy-saving thermostat sooner rather than later to save the most energy. While it's tempting to make the switch to a more energy-efficient thermostat right before you'll most need it, like in the thick of summer or dead of winter or before you host a family gathering, that's not always the best time. If things go wrong during a DIY installation, you might be stuck without a functioning HVAC system until you can get it fixed. It might be better to wait for milder weather. If you've got any concerns about the installation, consider calling in a professional from Bob’s Heating & Air Conditioning.

Check For Compatibility Before Buying a Smart Thermostat

When shopping for a new thermostat, it's important to check for compatibility with your existing HVAC system. Most smart thermostats require "low voltage" 24-volt HVAC systems, often called "central heat" or "central air." You likely have this type of system if:

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Prepping Your Home for the Upcoming Winter Season



As the winter season approaches faster than many of us had hoped for, it becomes more critical to prepare your home and keep your mind at ease when the weather starts to turn. Many may not realize how much winter can impact your home, so taking the proper precautions will help to get you and your home ready for the winter season. It is very important to take care of your home's exterior and interior when preparing for the chilly weather. Who wants to worry about having to take on any home projects when it’s cold out? Our guess is, no one!

This article will walk you through what you should have in your home for winter and what to mark off of your checklist before the first snowfall.

Invest in a Smart Thermostat

After returning home from a long day at work on a cold winter afternoon, the last thing you want is to walk into a frigid house. If you’re wondering how you would be able to avoid that, we have the answer for you – smart thermostats! A smart thermostat can be controlled from your smartphone, so you’re able to turn your heat on and off with the tap of a finger. This makes it quick and easy to manage your home’s temperature while the system itself helps to save you money and energy.

If you don’t already have a smart thermostat and are considering one, making the choice sooner rather than later will add to a comfortable home and reduced utility bills. Installing this type of thermostat is something that should be done before winter hits in case any incidents occur, such as faulty wires or power outages. If you’re unfamiliar with thermostats and their installation, Bob’s Heating & Air Conditioning can help you install a smart thermostat for your home.

Check your Home’s Insulation

Before winter hits, creating a checklist of what needs to be done will also help you to get your home ready. One of the items on the checklist should be to check your home’s insulation during the summer or fall to allow you to find and resolve any problems that arise. Due to the temperature drop outside as winter progresses, ensuring your home is properly insulated will help keep your home warm. Your windows, siding, attic, and basement should all be insulated to avoid any cold air from entering your home.

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Keep Your Family Warm This Winter with A Smart Thermostat


Enjoy convenient control of your home’s climate from the comfort of your couch

Colder weather is here, and homeowners across the Puget Sound region are cranking up their heat to keep their homes and families comfortable. Staying warm in your Bellevue, WA, or surrounding area home has never been easier than with a smart thermostatWith just the tap of a button, you can manage your home’s temperature, monitor your energy usage, and more. Check out our tips for using a climate control system to stay cozy in the colder weather!


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