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Here’s What to Know About Central vs. Forced Air Systems


Bob’s Heating & Air Conditioning Explains the Essential Differences Between the Most Common Central Heating Systems

Central air or forced air, that is the question…or something along those lines was penned by Shakespeare, right? 

All jokes aside, many of our customers ask about the difference between these two terms in reference to home heating systems, so we’ve decided to elaborate on the subject in our latest blog. Once you’re done reading, you’ll know the critical differences and similarities between the two and understand who can help you determine the best fit for your Sammamish, WA, home. Keep scrolling to learn more!

Which Type of Generator Is Best for Your Home?

A well-lit home that can utilize a backup generator.

Whole-Home Standby Generators vs. Portable Generators 

Don’t get caught in the middle of an emergency with no power - and with no idea what to do next! When disaster strikes, it’s essential that you are prepared for the long haul. Stay comfortable and keep your family safe in your Seattle, WA home during any emergency with a robust and reliable backup generator in place.

But what type of generator is best for your home - a portable or standby option ? In this blog, we’ll dive into why a backup generator is essential for your home, the different types of generators and how our team can help with installation . Read on below for more!

Don’t Tank Your Energy Savings With Conventional Water Heaters

closeup shot of hands beneath running, splashing water

Discover Tankless Water Heaters From Bob’s Heating & Air Conditioning

Though professional athletes and celebrities may tout the health benefits of a cold shower, we at Bob’s Heating are huge fans of hot showers and baths. Unfortunately, some homeowners are under the impression that in order to always have hot water at the ready for their bathing and cleaning needs, they need a large, traditional water heater. That’s far from fact and can actually tank your energy savings and hot water availability!

With tankless water heaters, you’ll have hot water in a virtually endless supply with a lower long-term expense than tank water heaters. Want to learn more about how this modern water heating marvel can transform the way you enjoy a hot shower in your Sammamish, WA, home? Keep scrolling below to read our blog on the topic!

Sleeping With the Windows Open: 5 Mistakes That Increase Utility Bills

coins spilling out of a glass jar

Shutting off your home air conditioner and sleeping with the windows open seems like a great way to save energy. After all, doesn't it make sense to give your HVAC a break when the sun goes down and temperatures drop? Unfortunately, that's not always the case. Sleeping with the windows open is just one of many HVAC mistakes that can unknowingly driving up your monthly utility bill. Keep reading to find out lesser-known mistakes that are costing you money.

Sleeping With Windows Open

Residents of the Pacific Northwest know the joy of cracking a window on summer nights. While people should enjoy a night of fresh air from time to time, it's essential to be aware of potentially higher energy costs.

When you leave your windows open all night, you essentially undo all the hard work air conditioning or heat pump system has done to cool your home. During the day, the air conditioning system works to remove heat and humidity from the indoor air. If the outside air is even one degree warmer than your home's internal temperature, the system will have to work harder to restore your desired temperature.

Additionally, outside air usually contains more humidity than the inside air, leaving your rooms feeling stuffy and uncomfortable. Humidity makes temperatures feel warmer than they actually are. If you let your home get too damp, you might feel inclined to compensate by setting your thermostat to an even lower temperature, increasing HVAC system workload, thus making it a major HVAC mistake.

Some research has revealed the optimal conditions for sleeping with open windows. If the outside temperature is about 70 degrees and humidity levels are low, you can crack a window overnight. However, try to shut them as early as possible in the morning to keep outside moisture and sunlight from increasing your internal temperatures.

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Top 3 Questions You Should Be Asking About Your HVAC System

Two Bob’s Heating technicians check on an HVAC installation.

Let Bob’s Heating take care of your system and keep your spaces comfortable all year round!

Climate control is an essential part of building a welcoming environment to enjoy with your family. Whether you are trying to create a cozy, comfortable  room on a cold winter’s night in the greater Seattle area or keeping your spaces cool on a hot summer day, a reliable and advanced HVAC system is essential.

To get the systems that satisfy your home's unique needs, reach out to a professional HVAC company that can walk you through the whole process. Bob's Heating has decades of experience and is ready to update your HVAC technology to ensure you always get the living experience you deserve. Keep reading our blog to learn three must-know details to keep in mind when updating an HVAC system.


How Much AC Do I Need?


At first thought, it may seem like you cannot go overboard with air conditioning. After all, the whole point of having an AC is to control the air temperature in your home and you can hardly have too much control now, can you? Well as it turns out, if you figure in the cost of installation and running the unit, there are situations where your AC is oversized for your home. To answer the question "How much AC do I need?" you need to factor in various aspects and understand the airflow in your home. So, to help you out, we will cover these aspects and help you determine the right amount of air conditioning for your household.

Understanding How Air Conditioners Work

For measuring the effectiveness of air conditioning, we use BTUs. A British Thermal Unit is a measurement that shows how much heat an AC unit can remove from the airspace within one hour. The recommended BTU per square foot is 20. With that in mind, there are a couple more factors to consider…


To properly cool a room, you must consider its size and purpose. Take the square footage of the room and multiply it by 20. That is the recommended BTU for your AC. Before you opt for a unit, remember that it is usually better to go a bit above your recommended BTU than below. This is especially true if your room gets a lot of natural light or if it’s a common gathering area for your family. Kitchens and laundry rooms will also require stronger air conditioning, as the appliances in them will produce heat on their own.


If you plan on cooling the entire home with a single AC unit, you will have to consider the layout of your home. The more freely air can flow through your home, the easier it will be to cool it off. Just like with rooms, you can choose to multiply the size of your house by 20 to understand the amount of BTUs required to cool your whole home. Large-scale AC systems use “tons” for measurement, where one ton equals 12,000 BTUs.

Local Climate

Another critical aspect to consider is the local climate. Namely, if you live in a warmer climate, you may need a more powerful air conditioning unit. On the other hand, if you live in a cooler coastal climate, you might need to consider the unit’s specific protective coating to prevent sea air erosion.

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